Let’s send a strong message to World Health Assembly meeting on 22nd May
Amendments to International Health Regulations
This post is three parts:
My overview of WHO ( 3 minute read)
A look at Section 12 amendments of International Health Regulations ( 3 minute read)
Action to take now
If you are short of time, but want to take action, go straight to Part 3.
The WHO started as an organisation that benefited the health of humanity. Now it serves it masters and not the people. It is not beneficial for citizens to be at the behest of ‘one size fits all’ policies from a remote ‘dicta tor’ whose appointment is opaque and who sits in the pockets of China, with Bill Gates, WHO’s second largest funder. Additionally pharmaceutical companies are positioned in WHO to influence policy, which is a direct conflict of interest.
Individuals and nations are not identical, but diverse, and as such need diverse solutions for health, particularly in a health crisis. Elderly people may need protecting, the young not. Solutions right for the citizens of London might be counterproductive in the Sahara. Regions need to determine their health responses from a palette of possibilities to match the particular needs of their citizens in a specific geographic.
We need a new international health body that co-ordinates information, and keeps up to date with solutions, and can respond to communities requests for help. Decision making MUST lie with communities and nations where people on the spot can put in place flexible responses to meet the particular needs of their people, in a way that respects national sovereignty.
Personal autonomy is key to good health. Making informed choices about your own health interventions is the bedrock of best practice, and how medicine functions in democracies. It empowers the individual to do the best for themselves. The same principle applies to regions and nations. Receiving ‘one size fits all dictates’ from an unaccountable body encourages learned helplessness, and is a blunt instrument for meeting real needs.
To move forward the only solution is to defund the WHO and build a system accountable to the needs of the diverse peoples of the world, which serves them and not power structures. Appointment processes of officials must be transparent and no person with a conflict of interest to industry can serve in a position of influence over health policy.
Empowering communities to choose and make their own responses to health emergencies is truly the way forward to robust outcomes.
From Sunday 22nd - 28th May 2022, the World Health Assembly meets to look at amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005.
You don’t need to know anything about public health policy, to see the proposed transfer of power from Nation States to the Director General of WHO in Article 12 of the IHR.
Crossing outs indicate something they propose to remove from the regulations, under linings show a new addition.
In the heading of Article 12, shown above, intervention in additional concerns are added to include regional concern and intermediate health concerns. Does this suggest that there can be top down imposition of measures in any geographic location for any health concern?
Note in Section 2, the addition of a potential public health emergency to the regulations, and the removal of the nation’s agreement being sought. And section 3 removes talk of a consensus.
Section 4, introduces the idea that other states can influence what’s happening in your country. As China, has undue influence on Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, does this mean China will influence UK health measures? Very reassuring, given that CCP just sealed people in their houses and left some to starve to death, whilst Dr Tedros himself has been accused of allegedly aiding genocide..
Sections 6 and 7 above, give the Director General of WHO more powers to act if there is a potential cause of concern perceived in a region.
There is a clear intention to shift power away from nation states to an unelected official that is the Director General of WHO. Without any accountability to the people, his measures serve, the potential for abuse is clear to see.
Let’s send a strong, unified message
To the powers that be, meeting from this Sunday 22-28th May 2022 at the World Health Assembly, and WEF who meet at the same time, in Switzerland.
Send this message on social media, share widely including tagging Prime Ministers, Presidents, Health Ministers, Members of Parliament, members of the World Health Assembly and WEF, who meet at the same time in Switzerland. Add their names and Twitter handles in the comments section to help. Likewise for other social media. I will add names there when I find them.
#DefundtheWHO let’s get it trending.
Do a screenshot of this or make your own. Just keep the two line format:
Add comments, of your choosing, which I suggest should be polite and ‘professional’. Far stronger than a rant! Here are ideas for starters:
Amendments to the International Health Regulations threaten democracy. The World Health Assembly meet this Sunday 22 - 28th May. Pay attention!
‘One size fits all’ measures dictated from the top, are wholly inadequate.
The WHO are making a power grab over nation states.
Empower communities not unelected officials.
The WHO acts for vested interests, not the people.
Transferring more power to the Director General of WHO away from nation states, is bad for health and democracy.
Empower communities with flexible responses that meet their particular needs.
Let’s strengthen communities preparedness for health emergencies rather than strengthening the power of unelected officials.
Let’s fill social media with:
PS. UK is a big funder of WHO. Nation states can withdraw funding, as was done by Trump.
The Medical Mafia in Action - Offering Isotropic Humanicide Services Worldwide
AHA = Assisted Humanicide Association
AMA = American Murder Association
CDC = Center for Death and Corruption
DIC = Drugs Industrial Complex
DHS = Defense for Humanicide Services
FDA = Fraud and Death Association
HHS = Holistic Humanicide Services
MD = Most Deplored
NIAID = Novel Inquisition for Allergic and Infectious Dogmas
NIH = Nihilism In Healthcare
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
WEF = World Enslavement Foundation
WHO = William Henry (III)'s Omnipotence
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