See my second post on this:
I wouldn’t need to write this, if the legacy media were doing their job to provide open, democratic debate about a treaty that will open the way for fundamental changes in how public health will operate in the future. Is this the first time a government is preparing to remove national sovereignty by handing power to a global body to determine health measures for its citizens?
Alarm is being raised about an aspect of the WHO pandemic treaty, to which 194 countries, including the UK, are planning to sign up to. While on the face of it, having global co-ordination over certain public health issues seems sensible, giving the WHO, a global unelected body, extra powers to impose ‘one size fits all’ health measures on world citizens without any accountability, is truly Orwellian.
Whilst I have been writing about the Nazi era, others have informed themselves, and written about the treaty. It seems most useful, therefore, to share links for anyone who’d like to know what’s happening.
I am sharing:
a leaflet which gives a good summary
links to articles
a consortium draft reply
USA International Health Regulations
comment from Dr Tess Lawrie
Short video in comments section with Barrister Francis Hoar
Monologues from Neil Oliver and Marc Dolan in the comments
Please feel free to add a contribution in the comments. And to share widely.
Leaflet courtesy of Eleanor ⭐️
A consortium drafted a response:
A short statement of opposition.
TO: All governments, presidents, health ministers. Independent media
TO: WHO via World Health Assembly, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus, Dr Soumya Swaminathan
TO: United Nations via Antonio Guterres, Liu Zhenmin, Elliott Harris, Maria-Francesca Spatolisano
I write to oppose the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s moves to implement an illicit takeover in the form of a global pandemic agreement, while the world’s attention is diverted by the latest crisis.
The United Nations agglomerates illicit control over humanity through the new “Pandemic Treaty” being pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
If adopted by WHO member nations, the Pandemic Treaty would remove all national sovereignty while granting the WHO the power and authority to mandate whatever it deems as necessary to treat a public health threat, whether real, manufactured or imagined.
More than two years have elapsed since Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic was declared by the WHO. The occasion is being used to destroy global medical freedom.
If the UN gets its way,
• the WHO will soon be able to mandate covid “vaccines” and associated “passports” globally.
• the WHO would also be allowed to do the same for any future bioweapons that “escape” from laboratories.
• the WHO would have hitherto unknown, unspecified powers over peoples' and nations' health and bodily integrity.
Negotiations for the Pandemic Treaty began on March 3, 2022, but they have received little attention due to the war in Ukraine, which has overwhelmed global headlines.
Illegal, unjust, contrary to human rights and fundamental freedoms
The proposed WHO agreement is a gross threat to our national sovereignty and fundamental rights and freedoms. This illegal expropriation of national sovereignty and fundamental rights and freedoms increases the WHO’s power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people.
The WHO has not engaged in a process of public participation, which is evidence that its priority is capturing more power for itself and its corporate accomplices, than serving the interests of the people. Without an unbiased democratic process, any agreement by the WHO, acting via the United Nations, will be unlawful, illegitimate, and invalid.
I note that the WHO leadership has failed and continues to fail the people. Among many examples, it approved the injurious H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine for a controversially declared pandemic. Equally, the WHO failed during the Covid-19 chapter as it encouraged lockdowns, suppressed early preventive treatments, and recommended product interventions that have proven to be neither safe nor effective.
The WHO cannot be allowed to control the world’s health. Still less should it enforce biosurveillance. While it receives funding from public sources belonging to the people, it is caught in a perpetual conflict of interest because it also receives substantial funding from private interests that use their contributions to influence and profit from WHO decisions and mandates. For example, the Gates Foundation and the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine promotion alliance, contribute over $1 billion a year.
Statement of Opposition
I oppose this obscene abuse of power by proven bad faith actors often with appalling conflicts of interest. I urge everyone to approach government representatives, political parties, trade unions, civil society groups, professionals, public figures, and independent media to:
Raise awareness about the implications of the proposed global pandemic agreement;
Call for national campaigns that protect natural law and democratic constitutions.
I support the principles, accords, conventions, and treaties that protect the rights of men, women, and children. These include the ICCPR, ECHR, UDHR, Nuremberg Code, Helsinki Declaration, Bioethics Convention, the Geneva Declaration and Genocide Convention among other instruments.
International Health Regulations - USA
Mark Dolan’s take:
Neil Oliver’s take: